
I started track in middle school with the hurdles and other long-distance runs. This year I will just be doing long distance.


I have shot archery since I was about 5. It is a very enjoyable sport, but takes time to get good at.

Cross Country

I have run cross country since middle school and it has been very fun. although, it is the most difficult sport I have ever done.

About Me

My Name is Landon Daniels. I play many sports and have many hobbies to keep myself busy. I enjoy science and sometimes math. I joined Advanced Web Design because I knew that it would be very helpful later in life and I just enjoy making websites.


Career Goals

My two favorite subjects in school are Chemistry and Web design. Since I was little I dreamed of being a chemist and I am enjoying it now. so whatever I choose to do, will probably involve chemistry. I also plan to make websites on the side or part-time.

I am undecided on where I would like to go to college.

Tech Skills

I can code HTML with CSS as well as Bootstrap thanks to Advanced Web Design. We also learned WordPress this year which will be very helpful because it is a free website-making app that anyone can use.